Define stockpile stewardship and its purpose.
Define stockpile stewardship and its purpose.

define stockpile stewardship and its purpose. define stockpile stewardship and its purpose.

national security has said that it will not seek Senate reconsideration of the treaty. The current administration, which in general is skeptical of the value of arms control treaties as a means of enhancing U.S.

#Define stockpile stewardship and its purpose. verification

nuclear weapons stockpile, and with the adequacy of the treaty’s verification provisions to detect low-yield tests. Beside partisan considerations, this was prompted by concerns with the ability of the United States to maintain the safety, security, and reliability of the U.S. Senate, whose advice and consent is required for international treaties to become valid and binding, voted not to give its consent to ratify. The United States, which led the effort to conclude a CTBT and was the first to sign the treaty is, along with China, among those who have signed but not ratified. Non-signatories include India, North Korea, and Pakistan. At present, 41 of these 44 countries have signed the treaty but only 31 have ratified. To enter into force, the CTBT must be ratified by the 44 countries that in 1996 possessed nuclear research or power reactors. To implement these verification arrangements, the treaty establishes a Comprehensive Test Ban Organization (CTBTO) located in Vienna.

define stockpile stewardship and its purpose.

The CTBT obligates countries that sign and ratify "not to carry out any nuclear weapon test explosion or any other nuclear explosion." It provides for an extensive verification regime including an International Monitoring System (IMS) to detect nuclear explosions, a global infrastructure for satellite communications from IMS stations to an International Data Center (IDC) that processes and distributes data to State Parties, and for on-site inspections, which may be requested by any State Party to determine whether suspected cheating has occurred. The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)-described as the "longest sought and hardest fought for arms control treaty in history"-was opened for signature in September 1996.

Define stockpile stewardship and its purpose.